
getAgentObject([agentId, callback])

Gets the object of an agent. What are agent objects?

— agentId (Number)

ID of the agent from which to get the object (optional).
By default, this is the ID of the currently running agent.

— callback (Function(err, object))

Function called when finished (optional).

  • err (String): null or a description of what went wrong if something went wrong.
  • object (PlainObject): the content of your agentObject, if the agentObject is not filled then object will be an empty object {}.
/*Bot launched with agentObject:
  "name": "nick",
  "age": 2 

const agentId = buster.agentId //Useless

try {
  const object = await buster.getAgentObject(agentId)
  console.log("The name is",, "and the age is", object.age)
  //This will print "The name is nick and the age is 2"
} catch (err) {
  console.log("Could not get agent object:", err)
/*Bot launched with agentObject:
  "name": "nick",
  "age": 2 

const agentId = buster.agentId //Useless

.then((object) => {
  console.log("The name is",, "and the age is", object.age)
  //This will print "The name is nick and the age is 2"
.catch((err) => {
  console.log("Could not get agent object:", err)
/*Bot launched with agentObject:
  "name": "nick",
  "age": 2 

var agentId = buster.agentId //Useless

buster.getAgentObject(agentId, function(err, object) {
  if (err) {
    console.log("Could not get agent object:", err)
  } else {
    console.log("The name is",, "and the age is", object.age)
    //This will print "The name is nick and the age is 2"



The agentId argument should be used just in case you want another agent's object.
To get the current agent object just call buster.getAgentObject().