
solveNoCaptcha(siteUrl, captchaToken [, secret, callback])

Solves a Google noCAPTCHA/reCAPTCHA.

This method sends the required tokens to one of our partners so that a human can solve a Google noCAPTCHA/reCAPTCHA challenge.

buster.solveNoCaptcha() calls will take about 30 to 60+ seconds to return a response token. It mainly depends on the availability of human workers in the queue and their ability to quickly solve the challenges from Google.

When a result token is returned, 2 is substracted from your daily CAPTCHA counter. Contrary to standard image CAPTCHA solving methods, when returned, this token is always valid.

— siteUrl (String)

URL of the page or website where the noCAPTCHA/reCAPTCHA widget is found.
When using NickJS, simply use the return value from tab.getUrl().

— captchaToken (String)

Token of the noCAPTCHA/reCAPTCHA widget. This token is generally found in the data-sitekey attribute of the <div class="g-recaptcha"> element. However, some site administrators use the widget differently and you might have to find this token somewhere else, for example in the &k=<TOKEN> parameter of the URL of the widget's <iframe>.

— secret (String)

Second token from the noCAPTCHA/reCAPTCHA widget (optional).
Almost all websites do not use this token anymore, it is only for deprecated noCAPTCHA/reCAPTCHA versions. If present, it's generally found in the data-stoken attribute of the widget's <div>.

— callback (Function(err, result))

Function called when finished (optional).

  • err (String): null or a description of what went wrong if something went wrong.
  • result (String): the response token, put this as a value in the <textarea id="g-recaptcha-response"> element and submit the form.


Custom noCAPTCHA/reCAPTCHA installations

Not all websites use this CAPTCHA system the same way. The widget supports custom JavaScript integration, as you can see in its official documentation. If that's the case on your target website (not common), you'll first have to understand how the widget is integrated to get its token and to submit the result.


Also supports "invisible" noCAPTCHA!

The new "invisible" noCAPTCHA is basically the same widget but hidden in the page and automatically activated. Check its official documentation to understand how your target website might integrate it.

const siteUrl = ""
const captchaToken = await tab.evaluate((args, callback) => {
  const token = document.querySelector(".g-recaptcha[data-sitekey]").dataset.sitekey
  callback(null, token)
}, null)

try {
  const result = await buster.solveNoCaptcha(siteUrl, captchaToken)
  console.log("The reCAPTCHA response token is:", result)
  //You can fill the g-recaptcha-response <textarea> with result to access to the protected data
} catch (err) {
  console.log("Could not solve reCAPTCHA:", err)
const siteUrl = ""
const captchaToken = "reC4PTCH4_token"

buster.solveNoCaptcha(siteUrl, captchaToken)
.then((result) => {
  console.log("The reCAPTCHA text is:", result)
  //You can fill the input with result to access to the protected data
.catch((err) => {
  console.log("Could not solve reCAPTCHA:", err)
const siteUrl = ""
const captchaToken = "reC4PTCH4_token"

buster.solveCaptcha(siteUrl, captchaToken, function(err, result) {
  if (err) {
    console.log("Could not solve reCAPTCHA:", err)
  } else {
    console.log("The reCAPTCHA text is:", result)
    //You can fill the input with result to access to the protected data